A ‘catalyst’ accelerates or delays a reaction. It attracts, conforms and groups forces, opinions, feelings, etc.
The Catalysts of Te( n ) cuidado originate in the need and motivation for weaving communication bonds of cooperation and learning, in three main areas:
cultural and artistic practice,
academic critique,
social-subaltern critique and citizenship;
with the aim of questioning what constitutes a structure-neighbourhood beyond a specific geographical territory, in order to imagine, design and configure other possibilities for other support and care networks.
By means of collective action research, each Catalyst suggests intersecting knowledges and experimenting with methodologies that generate links among participants and that foster co-creation and horizontal, reciprocal learning. The intent is to develop joint experiences and to be able to put into practice the outcome of the research with those communities involved in each Catalyst.
The Catalysts of Te( n ) cuidado work around these 3 conceptual and practical research main foci:
(1) Coexistence spaces and uses of communal spaces.